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Dec 31, 2017

In the studio this week, Spencer Plisco. An avid gamer and crypto currency supporter. Not wanting to derail things, we kept mostly on point. Find Spencer on twitter @spenlard and facebook /user/spenlard

This conversation will be continued, in another episode.

Dec 27, 2017

What was to be the 2017 Christmas Show. It still is, however only after recovering the audio from an audacity crash. Nicc and Dave from DT Pc podcast are in the studio with guests John and Aaron, and Closing the show is Joe and Nicc. Everyone is talking, mostly Christmas.

Merry Christmas 2017 Everyone!

Dec 20, 2017

A quick intro to the show, the back story of Nicc and what led up to trying out podcasting. Apologies, as both hosts were not available to record the first episode. Other Recurring Hosts/Guests may appear as well, when available.

Podcast Name Final and Intro Finished with Recording

Dec 19, 2017

This will be the second podcast that I am currently working on. This one will be seperate from the one I produce for the computer store. Wanting to see two different options for creating and publishing a podcast, is why I decided to start a second podcast. If libsyn works out as the better option, I will be migrating...