Sep 26, 2018
Anti Social Moon Rides, we all wish!
LIVE every Sunday @ 2 PM EST
814-343-1757 on hangouts to call in when live to listen on discord
@aseliveshow on facebook
Thank you...
Sep 16, 2018
This week, like the rest of the world, we talk about Elon Musk
and his recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience. Stocks drop,
employees leave, and jobs lost. Bullshit? Find out
LIVE every Sunday @ 2 PM EST
814-343-1757 on hangouts to call in when live to...
Sep 11, 2018
The audience helps diagnose an echo that was going on, actually
three echoes. Thank you Matt, Hope, and Michael. Aaron James
rejoins the cast lineup, for a more permanent position than guest.
Raytracing, or simulated light. How do we know our light isn't
simulated already? Is nVidia trying to tell us something?
Sep 2, 2018
The first 14:41 of audio has a latency where you hear everything
being said again in a lower volume. I did what i could to help make
it easier to understand while watching.
Thor Marlow, Joins us in the studio this week. Tattoo artist and
Tattoo Studio owner, Football Coach, Family Man, and Community
Event Organizer, are...