May 29, 2022
#afterthought #forethought #thinking
Thinking before or after, which works best for you? We have some ideas on this matter.
Live Sundays @ 3PM EST
May 22, 2022
#mindful #ideas #creating
What challenges can you face when creating, or co-creating content in todays online world? Is it what you expected?
Live Sundays @ 3PM EST
May 15, 2022
#starwars #theforce #maythe4th As originally proposed during a live stream of Anti Social Experience podcast, the Star Wars themed live stream. On May the 4th as a bonus, episode #213 with Phil, Chris, Wayne, Jimmy and Nicc. 5 guys talking Star Wars, what can go wrong, or right? If you have never personally checked out...
May 8, 2022
#trustworthy #reliabilitytest #friendshiporpartnership
When working with someone on anything, can you really trust that person? What if they are your friend? Not a friend?
Live Sundays @ 3PM...
May 1, 2022
Being qualified to do a job and doing a job are two entirely different things. Should being unqualified for a job keep you from doing it? LIVE Sundays @ 3:00 PM EST