Jul 25, 2018
Nicc steps down for a moment, while Tim upgrades. Do you really
need safety gear when on your own soapbox?
814-343-1757 on hangouts to call in when recording
https://discord.gg/exfgcBv to listen on discord
Thank You Everyone, for listening and...
Jul 23, 2018
Full of it or Nah? The ever aging brain of Nicc may short
circuit, while Tim calls it how he remembers it. Some products that
are total WTF moments. https://antisocialexperience.com/
814-343-1757 on hangouts to call in when recording
https://discord.gg/exfgcBv to listen on...
Jul 8, 2018
Is changing history safe? Tim speaks about changing a world war.
Nicc challenges a dinosaur.
814-343-1757 on hangouts to call in when recording
https://discord.gg/exfgcBv to listen on discord
Thank You Everyone, for listening